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Campbell High School

“Imagine Greatness…Expect Success!”


Library Parent Info

Information gathered here is for parents in our learning community.

Select the picture below for a four minute video on online safety.


Tips for Getting More Involved in your Daughter/Son’s Education

1. Let your daughter/son know that school is important. Be sure to ask questions about homework, and set up a quiet place

for your daughter/son to work.

2. Read everything that is sent home from school—report cards, homework assignments, school lunch plans, and vacation and

bus schedules. Show your daughter/son that you are well informed.

3. Get to know your daughter/son’s teachers and school principal by attending school meetings and parent-teacher conferences.

4. Ask for copies of school policies (e.g., attendance, discipline, homework). Ask questions if there something you do not understand.

5. Volunteer to help out with school activities. Attend sports events, help out with fundraisers, or volunteer to work in the school office.

6. Talk to other parents. If there is a parent organization, join it. If there is no parent organization at your school, think about starting one. Finding two or three other interested parents is a good start.

7. Encourage your daughter/son to read at home. Visit local libraries or use book mobiles, school libraries, or book fairs and

pick out books together. Choose books for each other to read.

8. Being involved in a daughter/son’s education is just as important for stepparents, grandparents, and other adults who care for a daughter/son. Invite them to participate in home and school learning opportunities.

9. Get involved in school funding, planning and improvement efforts through school improvement teams or school board participation.

10. Your actions, not just your words, make an impression that could last a lifetime.

Adapted from U.S. Department of Education, Office of Communications and Outreach,

Empowering Parents School Box: Taking a Closer Look, and 100 Tips for Parents, Washington, D.C., 2007.

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Guide for Internet Safety

Protecting your kids. (Games are a fun way to learn!)

Parent Information Center

Otis Library: Pinterest Guide for Creating Lifelong Readers

New Hampshire State Library: Family Resource Connection

College Board: Helping Your Student Get Ready For College