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Litchfield School District

“Imagine Greatness…Expect Success!”


Bus Routes

Litchfield Bus Schedules

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Litchfield School District Bus Routes

All bus schedules can be found in the column to the right under the Current Bus Schedules.  

Please review the posted bus routes to ensure the appropriate bus for your child(ren). 

Bus routes are developed with student safety in mind.  We face challenges each year with our routes as families are spread out throughout our town.  We greatly appreciate your patience and feedback as we work toward addressing those challenges.
We at the SAU Office, in coordination with First Student, will review requests and concerns regarding school transportation.  These include timeliness of the bus routes at the beginning and end of the day, crowding on the buses on particular routes, and bus stop requests.  Each request will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
  • Safety of students;
  • Grade level of students;
  • Timeliness of getting to school and home, and from building to building;
  • School District Policies for transportation and reviewing for consistent application. 
Please review the revised bus routes as there is the possibility that your child's bus number and pick up / drop off times may have changed.   
The Litchfield School District is dedicated to student safety.  With that in mind, please read the following safety tips for school bus stops.
  • Children should be at their assigned bus stop at least five (5) minutes prior to the pick up time.
  • Children in grades K and 1 should be escorted to their assigned bus stop in the morning and from their assigned bus stop when dropped off in the afternoon.
  • Bus routes are not "door to door" routes.  If your child's assigned bus stop is located on the opposite side of the street [from where you live], children should wait on the side of the street where their home is located until the bus arrives at their bus stop and comes to a complete stop.  The bus driver will indicate to the child(ren) when it is safe to cross the street and board the bus. 
  • Winter stops will be considered subject to the safety of the student and will be reviewed upon request.  
  • Please note that winter stops are only in effect from December through March. 

Requests to Add or Change a Bus Stop

Requests to add or change a bus stop can be made to the transportation company, First Student, or the SAU 27 Business Office, and will be approved by the Business Administrator of the Litchfield School District:
  • Notify First Studenty by calling 603-883-0251;
  • Notify SAU 27 Business Office by calling 603-578-3570;
  • Make your request;
  • First Student will review the stop and evaluate the request;
  • First Student will notify the Business Administrator of the request and the result of their review of the stop;
  • The Business Administrator will approve or deny the request based on the review by First Student and district policy;
  • The Business Administrator will notify First Student and the requester of the decision.
Requests for Alternate Transportation
Requests for students to ride a different bus than that to which they are assigned, either in the morning or the afternoon, shall be made in writing and submitted to First Student with a copy to the Business Administrator's office.
The form to request alternate transportation is available HERE.
The request will be reviewed and evaluated by First Student and the Business Administrator.  The requester will be notified of the decision. 
Note:  There should be no expectation that bus routes will remain the same from school to school or year to year.  
Routes for elementary school students and middle school students include more frequent stops than do those for high school students. 

Important Information

School districts in New Hampshire are required to provide transportation for students to schools within their district consistent with RSA 189:6:
RSA 189:6 Transportation of Pupils. - The local school district shall furnish transportation to all pupils in grade 1 through grade 8 who live more than 2 miles from the school to which they are assigned.  The local school board may furnish transportation to kindergarten pupils, pupils in grades above the eighth or to any pupils residing less than 2 miles from the school to which they are assigned, when it finds that this is appropriate, and shall furnish it when so directed by the Commissioner of Education. 
Litchfield School District Policy EEA:
All pupils in grades 1-4 shall be offered transportation to ensure the safety of arrival at and departure from the Griffin Memorial School, which is located on Route 3A.
Pupils in grades 5-8 and 9-12, living at a walking distrance more than one mile from their assigned school shall be offered transportation.
Students in grades 9-12 who use District transportation may be assessed a transportation fee, which will be approved by the School Board.
RSA 189:8 Limitations and Additions. - Pupils entitled to transportation in accordance with RSA 189:6 may be required to walk a distance not to exceed one mile to a school bus stop established by the local school board.  Pupils residing in areas which are inaccessible by a local school district's established mode of transportation may be required to walk a distance not to exceed 1.5 miles to a school bus stop, provided that the vehicle, route and schedule have been approved by the Commissioner of Education.  School Districts shall assure that pupils shall not be subject to unsafe conditions while walking the required distance to a school bus stop and that the school bus stop is established in a safe location.
Litchfield School District Policy EEA-R:
Students assigned to District transportation shall walk to the nearest assigned bus stop up to the following maximum distances:
a.  Grades 1-4: 1/2 mile
b.  Grades 5-8: 1 mile
c.  Grades 9-12: 1 mile
The walking distances specified in the policy may be modified at the discretion of the Busines Administrator if the road or highway is judged to have an excessive amount of traffic creating a safety hazard for youngsters walking along said highway.
Bus routes are established by the Transportation Contractor and Business Administrator, subject to review by the School Board.  Routes will be over the most direct roads practicable for bus travel to serve those entitled to transportation service and to maximize bus utilization of the fleet.  Routes will be designed so that up to 65 students will be assigned for each 77 student capacity regular size bus.


Current Bus Routes

Middle school and high school bus routes have been combined.  Please note the time for pick up and drop off for your child(ren).  Times are approximate.  For morning pick ups, your child(ren) should be at their assigned bus stop at least five (5) minutes prior to the time listed.

Bus routes have been updated to alleviate some crowding issues on the buses.  The biggest changes are to the Bus 7 and Bus 8 routes. Updated bus routes for all three schools can be found at the links below.  These changes will go into effect starting , Wednesday, October 2nd.

Note:  Changes to bus routes will not be made until after October 1.  Routes will be reassessed as drivers run their routes.

Late buses: LMS late bus is number 4, and CHS late bus is number 5.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact First Student at 603-883-0251.

FirstView (Bus Tracker)

The First View App is now available!

Note:  School Codes for 2024-2025 are different than the 2023-2024 school codes. 

2024-2025 School Codes: 

The Litchfield School District launched the First View Bus Tracker Parent App at the beginning of September 2021.  It is recommended that parents contact First View Support if tracking issues occur.  

Parent App/General Support: [email protected] ? 888-889-8920 ? Envelope or Help Menu
First View recommends that app users update the app periodically to continue to ensure you have the most up to date version. 
App Use Instructions 
To access the bus tracker app, download the First View app, go through a short registration and you will be able to access information on your child's bus, such as live tracking, predictive stop times, and more.  Please read the registration guide for instrucutions on how to register. 

To access the information, please click on the links provided:
  1. Registration Guide
  2. FAQs