School districts in New Hampshire are required to provide transportation for students to schools within their district consistent with RSA 189:6:
RSA 189:6 Transportation of Pupils. - The local school district shall furnish transportation to all pupils in grade 1 through grade 8 who live more than 2 miles from the school to which they are assigned. The local school board may furnish transportation to kindergarten pupils, pupils in grades above the eighth or to any pupils residing less than 2 miles from the school to which they are assigned, when it finds that this is appropriate, and shall furnish it when so directed by the Commissioner of Education.
Litchfield School District Policy EEA:
All pupils in grades 1-4 shall be offered transportation to ensure the safety of arrival at and departure from the Griffin Memorial School, which is located on Route 3A.
Pupils in grades 5-8 and 9-12, living at a walking distrance more than one mile from their assigned school shall be offered transportation.
Students in grades 9-12 who use District transportation may be assessed a transportation fee, which will be approved by the School Board.
RSA 189:8 Limitations and Additions. - Pupils entitled to transportation in accordance with RSA 189:6 may be required to walk a distance not to exceed one mile to a school bus stop established by the local school board. Pupils residing in areas which are inaccessible by a local school district's established mode of transportation may be required to walk a distance not to exceed 1.5 miles to a school bus stop, provided that the vehicle, route and schedule have been approved by the Commissioner of Education. School Districts shall assure that pupils shall not be subject to unsafe conditions while walking the required distance to a school bus stop and that the school bus stop is established in a safe location.
Litchfield School District Policy EEA-R:
Students assigned to District transportation shall walk to the nearest assigned bus stop up to the following maximum distances:
a. Grades 1-4: 1/2 mile
b. Grades 5-8: 1 mile
c. Grades 9-12: 1 mile
The walking distances specified in the policy may be modified at the discretion of the Busines Administrator if the road or highway is judged to have an excessive amount of traffic creating a safety hazard for youngsters walking along said highway.
Bus routes are established by the Transportation Contractor and Business Administrator, subject to review by the School Board. Routes will be over the most direct roads practicable for bus travel to serve those entitled to transportation service and to maximize bus utilization of the fleet. Routes will be designed so that up to 65 students will be assigned for each 77 student capacity regular size bus.