Free/Reduced Meals
The Litchfield School District is a participant in the National School Lunch Program, and School Breakfast Program, and we can offer Free or Reduced Meal Prices (F/R Meals) based on household income, and other programs. Applications for F/R Meals are available for any family that wishes to apply at any time during the year. Only one application is required per family, even if you have children in different Litchfield Schools.
All information provided for the Free and Reduced Meals Application is 100% Confidential.
Each year, already approved students have 30 school days to reapply for the F/R Meals Program (unless Directly Certified). The previous year's meal benefits will apply until the 30 school day window ends, then any students without an approved F/R Application on file will then switch to a "Paid" Status and famlies will be responsible for any meal charges during that time.
To apply for F/R Meals:
- You can apply online HERE
- You can print the application from this website (it is linked to the right of this page).
- You may pick up a paper copy at any school main office
- You can request a printed copy be sent to your home.
If you have any questions regarding the Free and Reduced Meals Program, please contact
Lauren Crowley, Dining Service Director.
Please return completed F/R Meals Applications to:
Litchfield Dining Services Director
1 Highlander Ct
Litchfield, NH 03052