Welcome to the Griffin Memorial School Office web page. We are happy to answer your questions and provide you with any information.
Litchfield School District uses SafeArrival to let parents/guardians report their child’s absence to the school. There are three convenient methods to report absences:
SchoolMessenger app (free)
1. If you have not done so already, provide your email address to the school.
3. Tap Sign Up to create your account using the email address on record with the school.
4. Select Attendance from the menu, and then select Report an Absence.
1. If you have not done so already, provide your email address to the school.
3. Click Sign Up to create your account using the email address on record with the school.
4. Select Attendance from the menu, then select Report an Absence
Interactive Toll-free Phone
1. Call toll-free: 1-833-516-0370.
2. Follow the instructions to report an absence. (You must have your phone number on record with the school.)
If your child is to be dismissed from school, please send a written note (see our example) including your child’s first and last name, teacher name, full name of the adult who will be dismissing your child, and the date and time of dismissal.