All students must successfully complete and present a Senior Project in order to graduate from Campbell High School. The Senior Project is a minimum of forty hours that is designed by the student and approved by the Senior Project Clearinghouse. This project develops individual skills and knowledge in an area that the student chooses to progress in. Opportunities to gain credit for the project will be based on documented hours. (67.5+ hours=1/2 credit, 135+ hours= 1 credit)
Students should log into the google classroom for all forms: Student Packet, Project Approval Form, and Calendar Checklist.
Google Classroom code: mkjafa6
All forms must be typed and signed where appropriate prior to interviews.
Students will be evaluated and notified via email as to their acceptance of their proposal or if they will have to revise their forms.
Throughout the school year, Seniors are required to submit logs and reflections by due dates or they will not be permitted to participate in extra-curricular activities. (Per Administration)
Students or advisors with questions about the Senior Project are encouraged to consult the Google Classroom or to consult the Senior Project Advisors during the school day.